Honegger AG

Privacy Statement

Here you can find the privacy statement of the website www.honegger.ch

1. General
Your trust and the protection of your privacy are of the utmost importance to us and we take the protection and security of your data very seriously. Your data is therefore collected, processed, used and stored solely in accordance with Swiss laws on data protection and data security.

2. Collection of personal data
We collect personal data (all information referring to a specific or identifiable person) only within the scope provided by you (e.g. when setting up a customer account and placing orders). We conduct all of our data processing procedures (e.g. collection, processing and transmission) in line with the legal requirements.

3. Processing and use of personal data
We process and use your personal data to fulfil and process your order, to handle your enquiries and to send you our newsletter. Your data required for business processes is stored and transferred to the extent required to service providers which we commission to process orders.

We may also collect and process address and order data for our own marketing purposes. For third-party marketing purposes, data is only transferred if it is permitted by law.

You may request at any time that your personal data is not used, processed and transmitted for marketing purposes by notifying the contact addresses listed under point 8. However, this does not apply to data required for processing your orders. Once we have received your request, we will no longer use, process or transmit the relevant data for any purpose other than processing your orders, and we will stop sending advertising material, including our catalogues, to you.

4. Transfer of personal data
In addition to transferring personal data to service providers commissioned by us (see point 3), we may transfer your personal data to fulfil and process your orders, handle your enquiries, for marketing purposes and to store it centrally in the customer database, as well as to affiliated group companies for intragroup billing and accounting purposes. Furthermore, we may transfer your personal data (address and credit data) to and request it from information services within the scope of what is permitted by law for the purpose of credit checks for orders. For orders on account and instalment purchases, we use address data in addition to other credit data to assess the risk of payment defaults on a case-by-case basis. In these cases, we strictly adhere to the provisions of the Federal Act on Data Protection. The amount of data transmitted is limited to an absolute minimum. Your data is not transferred to any other third parties without your explicit consent.

5. Cookies
Our website uses cookies in several places. Cookies are small text files which are placed on your computer and stored by your browser. They help to make our website more user-friendly, more effective and safer. Cookies also enable our systems to recognise your browser and offer you services. Cookies do not contain any personal data.

6. Web tracking – use of Google Analytics
This website uses Google Analytics, a website analysis service provided by Google Inc. (USA) (“Google”). Google Analytics uses cookies. These are text files that are stored on your computer and make it possible to analyse the use of our website. The information generated by these cookies about the way you use our website are generally transmitted to a Google server in the USA and stored there. Before transmission, however, your IP address is truncated by Google within Member States of the European Union or in other Contracting Parties to the Agreement on the European Economic Area. The full IP address is transmitted to a Google server in the USA and then truncated there only in exceptional cases. On behalf of the operator of this website, Google uses this information to evaluate your use of the website, to prepare reports on website activity, and to provide the website operator with other services related to the use of the website and the Internet. The IP address transmitted from your browser within the scope of Google Analytics is not merged with any other data by Google.

You can prevent cookies from being stored by changing the corresponding settings in your browser; however, we would like to point out that in this case, you may not be able to make full use of all of the functions of this website. Furthermore, you may prevent Google from collecting the data generated by cookies and related to your use of the website, and also from processing this data, by downloading and installing the browser plug-in using the following link (http://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout?h(=en).

7. Integration of social plug-ins
Social plug-ins from Facebook are used on this website to make the online shop more personal. To this end, we use the “Like” button. This is a service provided by the American company Facebook Inc. (USA).

When you visit this website, it creates a direct link to Facebook. If you are logged into Facebook, your visit is logged in your Facebook account. If you interact with the plug-ins, for example by clicking the “Like” button or posting a comment, the corresponding information is transmitted from your browser straight to Facebook and stored there. Logging out of Facebook prevents the data from being logged in your profile. Facebook provides detailed information on its website (Facebook Data Policy) with regard to its use of your data, following your consent, in terms of the manner, purpose and processing of your data

Here you will also find further information about your rights and options available within the settings to protect your privacy.

8. Right to information, rectification, blocking and deletion of stored data
You have the right to request information about personal data concerning you at any time. Information can only be provided if you include a copy of a valid form of ID (identity card or passport) with the request.

You have the right to request at any time that personal data stored about you be rectified, blocked or deleted. If legal provisions do not allow the data to be deleted or if complete deletion requires disproportionate effort, your personal data will be blocked instead.

To exercise your rights as outlined above, please write to Honegger Ltd, Bläuackerstrasse 1, 3098 Köniz, or e-mail info@honegger.ch. Exercising these rights does not incur any fees for you.

9. Data security
We have appropriate technical and organisational security measures in place to protect any personal data being or having been collected, especially against accidental or intentional manipulation, loss, destruction, or access by unauthorised persons. Our security measures are improved and adapted continuously in line with technological developments.

10. Amendments to this Privacy Statement
We reserve the right to amend this Privacy Statement at any time in line with the legal provisions.

11. Applicable law
This Privacy Statement is subject to Swiss law.